Contact the Formulary Team

Thank you for contacting the Devon Formulary. We will aim to respond to your query within 5 working days.

To help us answer or direct your question to the right person, please tell us who you are and where you are emailing from; e.g. GP practice name, locality, or acute trust.

Please provide as much detail as possible to assist us in responding to your query, but do not include patient identifiable information. We will aim to respond to queries as soon as possible.

If you encounter an error while submitting a contact form, please email us directly via the Devon Formulary Generic Mailbox:

If your enquiry is related to a particular prescribing issue and an urgent reply is required, please contact your practice's Medicines Optimisation Pharmacist or the Medicines Optimisation Generic Mailbox:

The Devon Referral Support Services can be contacted here.