
17.3.2 Iodine

First Line
Second Line
Hospital Only

Used for diabetic foot ulcers.

  • Avoid if iodine sensitive.
  • There is a risk of systemic absorption, do not use in pregnancy or lactating women.
  • Use caution if the patient has thyroid disorder.
  • Iodine should not be used in infants under 6 months of age without medical supervision.
  • Do not use if the patient has severely impaired renal function.

Treatment should not exceed 3 months continuous use due to risk of systemic absorption.

Do not exceed 50g in a single application or 150g of ointment/paste in one week or more than 3 months single course of treatment. Maximum = 4 dressings per time.

Caution: Iodine based products are contra-indicated with thyroid disease, in those receiving lithium, in pregnancy and breast-feeding, and use in children under 2 years old; caution in patients with severe renal impairment. Patients may develop sensitivity to iodine preparations. Systemic absorption may occur, particularly if the treated area is large.

Iodine ointment


(Sterile dark-brown paste ointment)

  • Cadexomer, polyethylene glycol and iodine ointment 0.9%
    • 10g (£5.01), 20g (£10.03)


  • To remove excess exudate and slough from the wound bed and reduce bacteria on the wound surface


  1. Suitable for use under compression therapy
  2. Change frequency / wear time = up to 72 hours (3 times a week)

Iodine paste


(Sterile dark-brown paste dressing with gauze backing on both sides)

  • Cadexomer, polyethylene glycol and paste 0.9%
    • 5g (£4.54), 10g (£9.07), 17g (£14.37)


  • To remove excess exudate and slough from the wound bed and reduce bacteria on the wound surface


  1. Suitable for use under compression therapy
  2. Change frequency / wear time = up to 72 hours (3 times a week)

Povidone-iodine fabric dressing


(Non-adherent dressing impregnated with 10% povidone-iodine)

  • 5 x 5cm (£0.35), 9.5 x 9.5cm (£0.51)


  • Management and prevention of infection in ulcers, minor burns and minor traumatic skin injuries


  1. Inadine is rapidly deactivated by wound exudate and should not be used with hydrogels
  2. Change frequency/ wear time = every 1-3 days. Colour change indicates when to change dressing