
Prevention of glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis

First Line
Second Line
Hospital Only

Patients who have commitment or exposure to oral glucocorticoids for greater than three months (or treated for combined total of three months a year e.g. COPD patients) at any dose.

If a patient has an eGFR less than 30mL/min, do not treat without appropriate specialist advice, refer to renal team if patient not already known to them

Aged 65 years or older or

Aged less than 65 years and has a definite history of previous fragility fracture:

  • Treat
    • Calcium plus vitamin D and either alendronic acid 70mg weekly or risedronate 35mg weekly
    • For more information and second-line treatments see 6.6 Drugs affecting bone metabolism
  • Lifestyle advice (see below)
  • Once the patient completely stops the corticosteroid, consider a DXA scan to guide whether bisphosphonates should be discontinued

Aged less than 65 years, no history of previous fragility fracture:

  • Perform DXA scan:
    • T score equal to or greater than -1.5, treat as above
    • T score less than -1.5, consider treating with calcium and vitamin D whilst on steroids unless confident patient is replete
  • Lifestyle advice (see below)
  • Consider further scan in a minimum of 2 years if patient remains on corticosteroids

Lifestyle advice

  • Weight bearing exercise, 20 minutes three times a week
  • Healthy balanced diet. Encourage calcium rich foods if not taking calcium and vitamin D
  • Stop smoking
  • Sensible alcohol consumption, maximum 2 units daily for women or 3 units for men
  • Daylight exposure, face and arms for 20 minutes daily three times a week.