February 2024: Priadel (lithium) SMS monitoring update


February 2024: Priadel (lithium) SMS monitoring update

Priadel (lithium) for patients in adult services (click here for guideline)

This guideline has been updated to reflect NICE guideline NG222, specifically the recommendation for at least 6 monthly calcium monitoring (or more often if there is evidence of significant renal impairment), for people taking lithium.

Frequency of ECG monitoring has been amended to recognise that monitoring less frequently than annually may be appropriate when determined by the GP on an individual patient basis

Additional minor updates and amendments have been made to provide greater clarity following consideration of the NHS England shared care protocol.

Local mental health specialists and the Devon LMC were consulted on the proposed changes prior to review and agreement by the FIG.

This guideline will continue to be remunerated at Tier 1.

Click here for the formulary entry

See here for other recent updates to the formulary