
1.3.3 Chelates and complexes

First Line
Second Line
Hospital Only
  • Oral suspension sugar free 1g in 5ml (£224.35 = 200ml)
  • Tablets 1g (unlicensed preparation)


  • Prophylaxis of gastrointestinal haemorrhage from stress ulceration
  • Biliary reflux (unlicensed indication)
  • Oesophageal varices (unlicensed indication)


  • Prophylaxis of gastrointestinal haemorrhage from stress ulceration:
    • 1g six times daily; maximum 8g daily


  1. Sucralfate tablets are now unlicensed and are only available as a "special-order" at significantly increased cost, please exhaust all other formulary options before prescribing
  2. Sucralfate oral suspension sugar free is not licensed for use in children under 14 years
  3. Bezoar formation: Following reports of bezoar formation associated with sucralfate, caution is advised in seriously ill patients, especially those receiving concomitant enteral feeds or those with predisposing conditions such as delayed gastric emptying