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Page last updated:
6 January 2023
Pancaking is a term used to describe the condition where a wet, sticky stool sits at the top of the pouch and does not drop down into the pouch. This can cause sore skin and result in the pouch lifting at the flange.
And refer to stoma care nurse specialist service if problem persists.
A significant swelling behind the stoma may indicate a hernia. This can also cause an enlargement of the stoma.
And refer to stoma care nurse specialist service if problem persists.
If the stoma stops working and the patient is in extreme pain, contact the patient's GP immediately.
Occasionally the stoma protrudes forward and may fill the bag.
Occasionally the stoma may retract back into the abdomen so that the output excoriates the skin.
And refer to stoma care nurse specialist service as soon as possible.
If a patient is complaining of leaks an assessment of the reason needs to be made.
Refer to stoma care nurse specialist service