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The place of 5HT3 antagonists in non-chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting is not yet clear. They may be useful in drug or biochemical induced emesis and stimulation of GI receptor.
Antiemetic requirements in chemotherapy vary depending on how emetogenic the regimen is and individual patient response.
Antiemetics should be supplied as a full course by secondary care as part of the treatment. It is not anticipated that GPs would be asked to prescribe.
Adult patients receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy are typically given the following oral anti-emetics on discharge:
Patients receiving moderately emetogenic chemotherapy are given usually ondansetron and dexamethasone combination.
Patients receiving low and minimal emetogenic regimens can generally be managed with domperidone as required.
Domperidone may be changed to metoclopramide or cyclizine depending on the preference of the patient.
Buccastem (buccal prochlorperazine) may be tried as an additional antiemetic in symptomatic patients.
Lorazepam 0.5mg - 1mg sublingual may be used to prevent anticipatory nausea and vomiting (This is an unlicensed route of administration).
Please see 4.6 Drugs used in nausea and vertigo