
6.4.2 Male sex hormones and antagonists

First Line
Second Line
Hospital Only


Testosterone should not be used for "male menopause" and should only be initiated following investigation by a consultant.

Testosterone intramuscular injection (IM)

(Testosterone propionate/ testosterone phenylpropionate/ testosterone isocaproate/ testosterone decanoate)

  • Sustanon 250 solution for injection 250mg/1ml (£2.45 = 1ml amp)


  • Male hypogonadism


  • Usual therapy is 250mg IM injection every 3-4 weeks
  • For patients who report large swings in their symptomatic response, an alternative dosing schedule of a lower dose more frequently, may be given


  1. Contains arachis oil and is contraindicated in patients allergic to peanuts or soya
Testosterone intramuscular injection (IM) (long-acting)

(Testosterone undecanoate)

  • Nebido oily solution for injection 1000mg/4ml (£87.11 = 4ml vial)


  • Male hypogonadism


  • 1g every 10-14 weeks, to be given over 2 minutes by deep intramuscular injection. A second dose may be given after 6 weeks to achieve rapid steady state plasma testosterone levels and then every 10-14 weeks
Testosterone transdermal gel
  • Testogel gel 16.2mg/g (£31.11 = 88g pump)
    • One pump actuation delivers 1.25g gel containing 20.25mg testosterone
  • Testogel gel 40.5mg/2.5g (£31.11 = 30 x 2.5g sachets)
    • One 2.5g sachet contains 40.5mg testosterone
  • Tostran gel 2% (£28.63 = 60g pump)
    • One pump actuation delivers 0.5g gel containing 10mg testosterone


  • Male hypogonadism


  • Testogel 16.2mg/g pump:
    • Apply 40.5mg (two actuations) once each morning. Increase dose in steps of 20.25mg (one actuation), according to response; maximum 81mg per day (four actuations)
  • Testogel 40.5mg/2.5g sachet:
    • Apply 40.5mg (1 x 2.5g sachet) once each morning. Increase dose in half sachet steps (1.25g of gel) according to response; max 81mg (2 x 2.5g sachet) per day
  • Tostran 2% pump:
    • Apply 60mg (six actuations) once each morning. Adjust dose according to response; max 80mg (eight actuations) per day


  1. Avoid skin contact with gel application sites to prevent testosterone transfer to other people, especially pregnant women and children—consult product literature and note 4.
  2. Refer to individual product literature for specific application directions.
  3. Do not apply to the genital areas
  4. MHRA Drug Safety Update (January 2023): Topical testosterone: risk of harm to children following accidental exposure
    1. Inform patients that accidental transfer to other people can lead to increased blood testosterone levels in the other person.
    2. Advise patients of the possible effects should accidental exposure occur in adult women (facial and/or body hair growth, deepening of voice, changes in menstrual cycle) or children (genital enlargement and premature puberty, including development of pubic hair).
    3. Counsel patients on methods to reduce the risks of accidental exposure, including washing their hands with soap and water after application, covering the application site with clean clothing (such as a t-shirt) once the gel has dried, and washing the application area with soap and water before physical contact with another person.
Testosterone cream
  • Cream 5% (unlicensed preparation)


  1. For use in University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust only


Cyproterone acetate
  • Tablets 50mg, 100mg (£132.57 = 300mg daily)


  • Polycystic ovary disease
  • Hirsutism in women


  1. Direct hepatic toxicity including jaundice, hepatitis and hepatic failure has been reported (usually after several months) in patients treated with cyproterone acetate 200-300mg daily. Liver function tests should be performed before treatment and whenever symptoms suggestive of hepatotoxicity occur-if confirmed cyproterone should normally be withdrawn
  2. In women of child bearing potential cyproterone must be used with cyclical oestrogen or in the form of co-cyprindiol. Please refer to chapter 13
  3. Cyproterone is contra-indicated in patients with a history of thrombo-embolic disorders

5 alpha-reductase inhibitors

  • Tablets 5mg (£1.38 = 28 tablets)


  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia


  • 5mg daily, review treatment at 3–6 months and then every 6–12 months (may require several months' treatment before benefit is obtained)


  1. Finasteride results in shrinkage of prostatic glandular tissue. The evidence suggests that it can reduce the risk of acute urinary retention and need for surgery, although such events are relatively uncommon. It may be useful in men whose prostates are particularly large where TURP/surgery is not indicated or desired. Improvement may take 6 months to be observed
  2. Finasteride is also used for hirsuitism (unlicensed)
  3. MHRA Drug Safety Update (April 2024): Finasteride: reminder of the risk of psychiatric side effects and of sexual side effects (which may persist after discontinuation of treatment)
    1. Finasteride has been associated with depression, suicidal thoughts and sexual dysfunction.
    2. Before prescribing finasteride, ask patients if they have a history of depression or suicidal ideation
    3. Advise patients prescribed finasteride 5mg (Proscar) for benign prostatic hyperplasia to consult their doctor for further medical advice as soon as possible if they develop depression or suicidal thoughts
    4. Monitor patients for psychiatric and sexual side effects
    5. Refer to the Drug Safety Update for advice to give to patients