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This is a summary of the NHS Devon commissioning policy for the referral and specialist management of haemorrhoids in adults
The referral and specialist management of haemorrhoids in adults commissioning policy
Accompanying clinical policy patient support information for the haemorrhoids policy
Referral for specialist assessment and treatment of haemorrhoids is not routinely commissioned in Devon. Referral will only be funded for:
1. All fourth degree haemorrhoids (haemorrhoids that are prolapsed and incarcerated, and cannot be reduced)
2. Haemorrhoids of any degree when both the following criteria are met
Non-surgical measures (rubber band ligation, injection sclerotherapy or infra-red coagulation) will only be commissioned in the following circumstances:
Surgical treatment (haemorrhoidectomy, stapled haemorrhoidopexy or haemorrhoidal artery ligation) will only be commissioned in the following circumstances:
The removal of anal skin tags is not routinely commissioned in Devon.
Where the circumstances of treatment for an individual patient do not meet the criteria described above exceptional funding can be sought. Individual cases will be reviewed by the appropriate panel of NHS Devon upon receipt of a completed application from the patient's GP, consultant or clinician. Applications cannot be considered from patients personally.
Applications for consideration for funding approval should be sent to:
Accompanying clinical policy patient support information for the haemorrhoids policy
Individual Funding Request (IFR)
Date of publication: February 2020