
Falls in the elderly (over 65) for GP practices


This clinical referral guideline covers the management of falls in adults over 65 in the community.

The Falls Clinic is staffed by Health Care of the Elderly Department; appointments take place at the LCC, Mount Gould Hospital. We provide a comprehensive assessment, investigation, treatment and advice for patients, over the age of 65, meeting the following criteria:

  • Patients with the high risk of falls
  • Patients presenting for medical attention as a result of a fall
  • Patients with severe fall
    • Injury
    • More than 2 falls in the last year
    • Frailty (CSF 5 and above)
    • Lying on the floor/unable to get up

The falls clinic assessment involves two appointments on separate days.

The first appointment is the Falls MDT clinic where the comprehensive assessment is performed by a Falls Specialist Nurse, Consultant Therapist and the Clinical Director of pharmacy for Livewell. This is a one stop clinic and patients should expect to spend 3-4 hours in clinic.

The second appointment is with a senior clinician, if after discussion at the MDT it felt that the patient requires a review by a Geriatrician.

For any patients who are unable to attend outpatient clinics, please refer to the Community Geriatricians.

Key referral criteria

For the following presentation:

  • Patients presenting for medical attention as a result of a fall
  • Patients with severe fall
    • Injury
    • More than 2 falls in the last year
    • Frailty (CSF 5 and above)
    • Lying on the floor/unable to get up

Out of scope

People younger than 55. People 55-64 may be appropriate and a referral will be reviewed by a Consultant Geriatrician.

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In elderly people who fall the following should be considered:
  • Accident and environmental hazards
  • Gait and balance disorders or weakness
  • Dizziness and vertigo consider referral to ENT
  • Confusion
  • Cardiovascular problems, e.g. orthostatic hypotension, carotid sinus hypersensitivity, vasovagal syncope
  • Postural hypotension
  • Visual disorder
  • Drug therapy – hypnotics, sedatives , diuretics, anti-hypertensives, psychoactive drugs (including anti-depressants), oxybutynin and tolterodine
  • Neurological disease, e.g. Parkinson's disease, stroke
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Increasing age
  • Foot problems, arthritis. Consider referral to MSK Physio , Podiatry or Orthotics
  • Alcohol


Clinical examination:

  • Pulse (rate and rhythm)
  • Respirations
  • Lying and standing blood pressure (Orthostatic hypotension is a fall in systolic BP of more than 20mmHg or to less than 90mmHg)
    • lie patient flat for 5 minutes (in silence) then take BP
    • stand patient then take blood pressure and repeat at 3 minutes
  • Assess for cardiac murmur
  • Mini mental test score - GPCOG (abbreviated)
  • Visual acuity, visual loss, confirm patient is having regular (yearly) eye tests
  • Sensory and motor neurological assessment:
    • Consider stroke/TIA, dementia, peripheral neuropathy, Parkinson's disease and other neurological conditions
  • Gait and balance examination:
    • assess gait - steadiness, broadbased, ataxic, shuffling, stamping
    • assess balance - patient safe mobilising with walking aids?, ability to walk and talk?, furniture walking?, able to stand unsupported?
  • Assess footwear


  • 12 lead ECG
  • Ambulatory cardiac monitor
  • 24hr BP recorder
  • Echocardiogram
  • Blood glucose, HbA1c
  • Full blood count, urea and electrolytes, thyroid function tests
  • Liver function
  • Bone profile
  • Vitamin B12
  • Folate
  • Iron studies
  • Vitamin D

  • Perform type 3 medication review with modification/withdrawal (Falls/decision-tree).
  • Consider reducing or stopping culprit medication that may increase falls risk including:
    • vasodilators and anti-hypertensives
    • diuretics
    • sedatives and hypnotics
    • psycho active drugs (including anti-depressants)
    • drugs for urinary retention and incontinence e.g. oxybutynin and tolterodine
  • If evidence of postural hypotension ensure good fluid intake
  • If clear/marked gait or balance disorder refer to Community Therapy Teams or Falls Prevention Physiotherapy Team (Plymouth) (please see referral information below).
  • If mild gait or balance disorder consider referral to Falls Management Exercise (FaME) (please see referral information below and falls prevention team service guide). 
  • Provide alcohol reduction advice if pertinent

If unable to resolve in primary care, refer on as appropriate.

Referral criteria

Patients demonstrating clear/marked abnormalities in gait and balance, or who need a home risk assessment can be referred to the Community Therapy Teams.

  • Consider referral to the Falls Prevention Physiotherapy Team (Plymouth only) if the person is also able to:
    • Independently able to walk around their own home and outdoors with or without a walking aid
    •  Independently leave their property on foot to socialise, go shopping, and attend appointments without needing the physical assistance from another.
    • Independently able to follow simple instructions and monitor their own effort/challenge
    • Interested to gain benefits from exercise
  • Patients with mild gait or balance disorders can be considered for a referral for FaME (Falls Management Exercise) group programme based on all criteria being met (please see referral form below).

1. Community Therapy Teams - Please see the referral forms section below.

  • Plymouth Community therapy referrals
  • Plymouth Falls prevention team - Please see referral form and Falls Prevention Team service guidance below.
  • Plymouth Falls Management Exercise Programme (FaME) – Please see referral form and Falls Prevention Team service guidance below.
  • Ivybridge
  • Tavistock
  • South Hams and West Devon Falls Management Exercise Programme (FaME) – Referral directly via The Elder Tree
  • North & East Cornwall

2. Falls MDT clinic

Please include the following information when referring to the Falls Clinic:

  • Referral details
  • History of fall(s)
  • Medication history including any recent changes
  • Previous Medical History
  • Clinical Frailty Score (CSF)

Investigations required:

  • 12 lead ECG – A baseline ECG helps diagnose conduction disturbances.
  • Lying and standing blood pressure (Orthostatic hypotension is a fall in systolic BP of more than 20mmHg or to less than 90mmHg)
    • 30% of falls in persons over 65 will have unrecognised syncope.
  • 10 point Abbreviated Mental Test Score or GPCOG
    • Evidence suggests a multidisciplinary approach to falls is not effective in the setting of significant cognitive impairment. Would a therapy review for walking aids or a domiciliary review from a community Geriatrician be more appropriate?
  • Height & Weight

    • Height and weight (not BMI) are needed to conduct a bone health review using the FRAX score. It is very helpful to have these provided to allow us to undertake other more specialist assessments during the clinic.
  • Blood tests within the last 6 months as outlined in investigations

Please note that referrals, where these details have not been included, may be returned to the referrer for more information.

The first appointment is the Falls MDT clinic where the comprehensive assessment is performed by a Falls Specialist Nurse, Consultant therapist and a Clinical Director of Pharmacy for Livewell. This is a one stop clinic and patients should expect to spend 3-4 hours in clinic.

The second appointment is with a senior clinician, if after discussion at the MDT it felt that the patient requires review by a Geriatrician.

For any patients who are unable to attend outpatient clinics, please refer to the Community Geriatricians.

Referral forms

Community Therapy Teams referral forms.

North & East Cornwall referrals via SERF - Single Electronic Referral Form (Page 1 of 12) (

Falls clinic referral checklist

Orthotics referral form

Podiatry referral form