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Safeguarding adults at risk means protecting a person's right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It is about people and organisations working together to prevent and stop the risks and experience of abuse and neglect whilst promoting well-being and choice for everyone.
Categories of abuse are:
PLYMOUTH.GOV.UK - Report adult abuse, neglect or a safeguarding concern
Modern Day Slavery is regarded as a national threat by the Home Office due to the threat this is poses to society, the Modern Slavery Act came into force in August 2015. Worldwide there are 35.8 million victims of slavery therefore there are more slaves today that there were in William Wilberforce's time. Women make up 71% of the world's slaves and we have an estimated 13,000 slaves in Britain (in 2013), this means that around 9,000 are women. 3,000 people are trafficked around the world in a single day and there is a new victim every 30 seconds. Devon will not be immune.
The key components of Modern Day Slavery are:
If you are concerned that an individual is at risk of trafficking and modern day slavery contact Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111. If you have immediate concerns ring the police on 999.
Adult Safeguarding - Rules and Competencies for Healthcare staff
Tackling Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Toolkit
Prevent is part of the UK's counter terrorism strategy, aimed at reducing the risk of people (including patients and /or staff) becoming involved and know who to discuss our concerns with. The strategy has four key elements:
Pursue – to stop terrorist attacks
Prevent – to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism
Protect – to strengthen our protection against terrorist attack
Prepare – where a terrorist attack cannot be stopped, to lessen the impact
Refer to Devon and Cornwall Police on 101 or 999 if an emergency
If following a referral to Adults Social Care, the referring professional is not happy with the outcome; the Local Safeguarding Adult Board Escalation Policy must be used to highlight the concerns to a higher level of management. If the referring professionals feel that following the outcome decision of the referral is not enabling the adult to remain safe it is the responsibility of that professional to escalate this further directly with the Local Authority Safeguarding Manager.
Training for GPs for safeguarding can be found on the safeguarding board's website.
Plymouth Safeguarding Adults Board
Safeguarding Adults at Risk of Harm Toolkit
Care and support statutory guidance: changes in March 2016
This guideline has been signed off on behalf of NHS Devon.
Publication date: July 2016
Updated: November 2024