
18.4 Catheter accessories

First Line
Second Line
Hospital Only

Catheter disposable collection bags

SpeediBag Compact (Coloplast)
  • Catheter disposable collection bag (28592) (£22.61 = pack of 30)

Catheterisation gels

Catheterisation can be painful for both males and females. It is important that the urethra is prepared with a lubricating or anaesthetic gel before insertion of the catheter

OptiLube (Optimum Medical)
  • Lubricating jelly in pre-filled syringes 6ml, 11ml (£1.04 = 1 x 11ml syringe)
OptiLube Active CHG Free (Optimum Medical)

(Lidocaine 2%)

  • Lubricating jelly in pre-filled syringes 6ml, 11ml (£1.14 = 1 x 11ml syringe)
Instillagel (CliniMed)

(Lidocaine 2%, chlorhexidine gluconate 0.25%, methyl hydroxybenzoate 0.06%, propyl hydroxybenzoate 0.025%)

  • Gel in pre-filled syringes 6ml, 11ml (£1.10 = 1 x 11ml syringe)

Catheter patency (maintenance) solutions

  • Catheter maintenance solutions should be used as a treatment plan and not as routine for every patient. Their use must be based on clinical need and after an appropriate assessment
  • They should only be used where proactive catheter changes are not suitable for the patient. They are treatment preparations for dissolving encrustation only and should only be prescribed for 4 weeks, then reviewed. They are not to be used prophylactically or to attempt to unblock a non-draining catheter
  • These should only be used after an assessment of need has taken place. Solution G and solution R should only be used once it has been established that encrustation is the cause
  • Sodium chloride should only be used for the washing of debris (blood, mucus and pus) from the catheter
  • Two sequential instillations of a small volume (2 x 50mls) are more effective than a single administration (100mls) (Getliffe 2000)

Prescription - amount will depend on frequency of catheter irrigation

Sodium chloride

Solution G

Solution R

Please see section 7.4.4 Bladder instillations and urological surgery for more information

Catheter straps

Ugo fix (Optimum Medical Solutions)
  • Catheter straps
    • Extra Short 35cm (3001) (£13.64 = pack of 5)
    • Short 45cm (3002) (£13.64 = pack of 5)
    • Medium 80cm (3003) (£15.06 = pack of 5)
    • Long 130cm (3009) (£18.34 = pack of 5)
    • Extra Long 180cm (3010) (£20.52 = pack of 5)
GB Fix It Retaining Strap (Great Bear Healthcare)
  • Short 35cm (10646C) (£15.51 = pack of 5)
  • Medium 45cm (10644A) (£15.51 = pack of 5)
  • Long 80cm (10645B) (£16.97 = pack of 5)
  • Adjustable strap 150cm (cut to fit) (10647D) (£19.56 = pack of 5)
StatLock (Bard)
  • Foley catheter stabilisation device (FOLO102DT) (£13.97 = pack of 5)


  1. For use with All Silicone and Latex Foley catheters

Catheter valves

  • Correct selection for the patient is essential. A sterile valve can be attached to the catheter for 7 days. It should then be replaced.
  • Ideally these should be considered as first choice as opposed to "free drainage" via a urine drainage bag, unless contraindicated for a medical reason such as renal impairment or patient choice
  • A night bag can be attached directly to the valve outlet for "free drainage" at night
  • Using a valve 2-3 weeks prior to trial without catheter (TWOC) may help to regain bladder function and tone, although there is no strong evidence for this any many TWOCs are carried out before a catheter has been in place for that long
  • Need to be changed every 5-7 days

Prescription - 5 per box enough for 5 weeks supply, no more than one packet should be prescribed every month

Libra Lever Catheter Valve (Great Bear Healthcare)
  • Sterile catheter valve (10540A) (£13.93 = pack of 5)
Flip-Flo Catheter Valve (Bard)
  • Sterile catheter valve (BFF5) (£14.47 = pack of 5)