
Skin and soft tissue infections

First Line
Second Line
Hospital Only

This page contains guidance on treatment of impetigo, infected eczema, cellulitis, leg ulcers, bites (human or animal), scabies, fungal (dermatophyte) infection of the skin and nails, chicken pox & shingles, cold sores, lacerated wounds, and MRSA decolonisation protocols.

For recurrent boils and cellulitis, always send swabs for culture with as much clinical information as possible. This will aid identification of infections caused by Panton-Valentine Leukocidin (PVL) toxin producing Staph aureus. Risk factors include: nursing homes, contact sports, sharing equipment & eczema.

Invasive Group A Streptococcal infections have increased in incidence and need to be assessed rapidly in hospital. Maintain a high index of suspicion in patients with a high fever, severe muscle aches, confusion, unexplained D&V, local muscle tenderness, or severe pain out of proportion to external signs, hypotension, a flat red rash over large area of the body, conjunctival suffusion.

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The information below is based on NICE NG153 Impetigo: antimicrobial prescribing (February 2020).

Impetigo is a contagious, bacterial infection of the superficial layers of the skin. Impetigo affects all age groups; however, it is most common in young children.

Advise people with impetigo, and their parents or carers if appropriate, about good hygiene measures to reduce the spread of impetigo to other areas of the body and to other people.

Self-care advice:

  • Wash affected areas with soap and water
  • Wash hands regularly, in particular after touching a patch of impetigo
  • Avoid scratching affected areas
  • Avoid sharing towels, face cloths, and other personal care products and thoroughly cleanse potentially contaminated toys and play equipment

Initial treatment

Do not offer combination treatment with a topical and oral antibiotic to treat impetigo.

Localised non-bullous impetigo

Consider hydrogen peroxide 1% cream for people with localised non-bullous impetigo who are not systemically unwell or at high risk of complications, if hydrogen peroxide 1% cream is unsuitable, i.e. if ineffective or if impetigo is around eyes, offer a short course of a topical antibiotic (see below for appropriate choices).

Widespread non-bullous impetigo

Offer a short course of a topical or oral antibiotic for people with widespread non‑bullous impetigo who are not systemically unwell or at high risk of complications (see below for appropriate choices).

Bullous impetigo or impetigo in people who are systemically unwell or at high risk of complications

Offer a short course of an oral antibiotic for all people with bullous impetigo, and people with non-bullous impetigo who are systemically unwell or at high risk of complications (see below for appropriate choices).

Further treatment

For people with impetigo that is worsening or has not improved after treatment with hydrogen peroxide 1% cream, offer:

  • a short course of a topical antibiotic if the impetigo remains localised or
  • a short course of a topical or oral antibiotic if the impetigo has become widespread

For people with impetigo that is worsening or has not improved after completing a course of topical antibiotics:

  • offer a short course of an oral antibiotic and
  • consider sending a skin swab for microbiological testing

For people with impetigo that is worsening or has not improved after completing a course of oral antibiotics, consider sending a skin swab for microbiological testing

For people with impetigo that recurs frequently:

  • send a skin swab for microbiological testing and
  • consider taking a nasal swab and starting treatment for decolonisation

If a skin swab has been sent for microbiological testing:

  • review the choice of antibiotic when results are available and
  • change the antibiotic according to results if symptoms are not improving, using a narrow-spectrum antibiotic if possible

Reassessment and referral

Reassess at any time if symptoms worsen rapidly or significantly, taking account of:

  • other possible diagnoses, such as herpes simplex
  • any symptoms or signs suggesting a more serious illness or condition, such as cellulitis
  • previous antibiotic use, which may have led to resistant bacteria.

Refer to hospital:

  • people with impetigo and any symptoms or signs suggesting a more serious illness or condition (for example, cellulitis)
  • people with widespread impetigo who are immunocompromised

Consider referral or seeking specialist advice for people with impetigo if they:

  • have bullous impetigo, particularly in babies (aged 1 year and under)
  • have impetigo that recurs frequently
  • are systemically unwell
  • are at high risk of complications

Consult local microbiologist if MRSA suspected or confirmed

Antimicrobials for adults aged 18 years and over

A 5‑day course is appropriate for most people with impetigo but can be increased to 7 days based on clinical judgement, depending on the severity and number of lesions.

Topical antiseptic
Hydrogen peroxide 1% cream
  • Apply two or three times a day for 5 days

See section 13.11.5 Oxidisers and dyes

Topical antibiotic
Fusidic acid 2% cream/ointment
  • Apply three times a day for 5 days

See section 13.10.1 Antibacterial preparations

MRSA infection in impetigo is rare, consult local microbiologist if MRSA suspected or confirmed prior to consideration of topical mupirocin

Oral antibiotic
  • 500mg four times a day for 5 days
Oral antibiotic (Penicillin allergy)
  • 250mg to 500mg twice a day for 5 days
  • 500mg twice a day for 5 days if severe infection
Oral antibiotic (Penicillin allergy in pregnancy)
  • 250mg to 500mg four times a day for 5 days
  • 500mg four times a day for 5 days if severe infection

See sections 5.1.1 Penicillins and 5.1.5 Macrolides

Antimicrobials for children and young people under 18 years

A 5‑day course is appropriate for most people with impetigo but can be increased to 7 days based on clinical judgement, depending on the severity and number of lesions.

Topical antiseptic
Hydrogen peroxide 1% cream
  • Apply two or three times a day for 5 days

See section 13.11.5 Oxidisers and dyes

Topical antibiotic
Fusidic acid 2% cream/ointment
  • Apply three times a day for 5 days

See section 13.10.1 Antibacterial preparations

MRSA infection in impetigo is rare, consult local microbiologist if MRSA suspected or confirmed prior to consideration of topical mupirocin

Oral antibiotic
  • Children 1 month to 17 years of age (doses given four times a day for 5 days):
    • 1 month to 1 year: 62.5mg to 125mg
    • 2 to 9 years: 125mg to 250mg
    • 10 to 17 years: 250mg to 500mg
Oral antibiotic (Penicillin allergy)
  • Children 1 month to 11 years of age (doses given twice daily for 5 days):
    • Body-weight under 8 kg: 7.5mg/kg
    • Body-weight 8–11 kg: 62.5mg
    • Body-weight 12–19 kg: 125mg
    • Body-weight 20–29 kg: 187.5mg
    • Body-weight 30–40 kg: 250mg
  • Children 12 years to 17 years of age:
    • 250mg to 500mg twice a day for 5 days
    • 500mg twice a day for 5 days if severe infection
Oral antibiotic (Penicillin allergy in pregnancy)
  • Children 8 years to 17 years:
    • 250mg to 500mg four times a day for 5 days
    • 500mg four times a day for 5 days if severe infection

See sections 5.1.1 Penicillins and 5.1.5 Macrolides

The information below is based on NICE NG190: Secondary bacterial infection of eczema and other common skin conditions: antimicrobial prescribing (March 2021).

Manage underlying eczema and flares with treatments such as emollients and topical corticosteroids, whether antibiotics are offered or not. See here for Management of eczema.


Symptoms and signs of infected eczema include weeping, pustules, crusts, no response to treatment, rapidly worsening eczema, fever, and malaise.

Not all eczema flares are caused by a bacterial infection, so will not respond to antibiotics, even if weeping and crusts are present. Eczema is often colonised with bacteria but may not be clinically infected. Eczema can also be infected with herpes simplex virus (eczema herpeticum).

Do not routinely take a skin swab for microbiological testing in people with infected eczema at the initial presentation. 

In people who are not systemically unwell, do not offer either a topical or oral antibiotic for infected eczema, take into account:

  • the evidence, which suggests a limited benefit with antibiotics in addition to topical corticosteroids compared with topical corticosteroids alone
  • the risk of antimicrobial resistance with repeated courses of antibiotics
  • the extent and severity of symptoms or signs
  • the risk of developing complications, which is higher in people with underlying conditions such as immunosuppression.

If an antibiotic is offered to people who are not systemically unwell with infected eczema, when choosing between a topical or oral antibiotic, take into account:

  • their preferences (and those of their parents and carers as appropriate) for topical or oral administration
  • the extent and severity of symptoms or signs (a topical antibiotic may be more appropriate if the infection is localised and not severe; an oral antibiotic may be more appropriate if the infection is widespread or severe)
  • possible adverse effects
  • previous use of topical antibiotics because antimicrobial resistance can develop rapidly with extended or repeated use.


If an antibiotic is given, advise the person (and their parents and carers as appropriate):

  • about possible adverse effects
  • about the risk of developing antimicrobial resistance with extended or repeated use
  • that they should continue treatments such as emollients and topical corticosteroids
  • that it can take time for secondary bacterial infection of eczema to resolve, and full resolution is not expected until after the antibiotic course is completed
  • to seek medical help if symptoms worsen rapidly or significantly at any time.

Antimicrobials for adults aged 18 years and over

Do not routinely offer either a topical or oral antibiotic for infected eczema in people who are not systemically unwell

If treatment is appropriate, a 5-day course is suitable for most people with infected eczema but can be increased to 7 days based on clinical judgement, depending on severity

Topical antibiotic
Fusidic acid 2% cream/ointment
  • Apply three times a day for 5 days
  • If infection does not improve consider:
    • allergy to fusidic acid
    • alternative infection (i.e. scabies, HSV)
    • sending a skin swab for microbiological testing
  • See section 13.10.1. Antibacterial preparations
Oral antibiotic
Oral antibiotic (penicillin allergy)
  • 250mg to 500mg twice a day for 5 days
  • 500mg twice a day for 5 days if severe infection
  • See section 5.1.5 Macrolides
  • 200mg single dose stat then 100mg once or twice a day for a total of 5 days
  • Local recommendation; not included in NICE NG190
  • See section 5.1.3 Tetracyclines
Oral antibiotic (penicillin allergy in pregnancy)
  • 250mg to 500mg four times a day for 5 days
  • 500mg twice a day for 5 days if severe infection
  • See section 5.1.5 Macrolides

Antimicrobials for children and young people under 18 years

Do not routinely offer either a topical or oral antibiotic for infected eczema in people who are not systemically unwell

If treatment is appropriate, a 5-day course is suitable for most people with infected eczema but can be increased to 7 days based on clinical judgement, depending on severity

Topical antibiotic
Fusidic acid 2% cream/ointment
  • Apply three times a day for 5 days
  • If infection does not improve consider:
    • allergy to fusidic acid
    • alternative infection (i.e. scabies, HSV)
    • sending a skin swab for microbiological testing
  • See section 13.10.1. Antibacterial preparations
Oral antibiotic
  • Children 1 month to 17 years of age (doses given four times a day for 5 days):
    • 1 month to 1 year: 62.5mg to 125mg
    • 2 to 9 years: 125mg to 250mg
    • 10 to 17 years: 250mg to 500mg
  • See section 5.1.1 Penicillins
Oral antibiotic (penicillin allergy)
  • Children 1 month to 11 years of age (doses given twice daily for 5 days):
    • Body-weight under 8 kg: 7.5mg/kg
    • Body-weight 8-11 kg: 62.5mg
    • Body-weight 12-19 kg: 125mg
    • Body-weight 20-29 kg: 187.5mg
    • Body-weight 30-40 kg: 250mg
  • Children 12 years to 17 years of age:
    • 250mg to 500mg twice a day for 5 days
    • 500mg twice a day for 5 days if severe infection
  • See section 5.1.5 Macrolides
  • Children 12 years to 17 years:
    • 200mg single dose stat then 100mg once or twice a day for a total of 5 days
  • Local recommendation; not included in NICE NG190
  • See section 5.1.3 Tetracyclines
Oral antibiotic (penicillin allergy in pregnancy)
  • Children 8 years to 17 years:
    • 250mg to 500mg four times a day for 5 days
    • 500mg twice a day for 5 days if severe infection
  • See section 5.1.5 Macrolides

Reassessment and referral

Reassess people with infected eczema if:

  • they become systemically unwell or have pain that is out of proportion to the infection
  • their symptoms worsen rapidly or significantly at any time
  • their symptoms have not improved after completing a course of antibiotics.

When reassessing people with secondary bacterial infection of eczema, take account of:

  • other possible diagnoses, such as eczema herpeticum
  • any symptoms or signs suggesting a more serious illness or condition, such as cellulitis, necrotising fasciitis (agonising pain out of proportion to what can be seen) or sepsis
  • previous antibiotic use, which may have cause resistant bacteria.

For people with secondary bacterial infection of eczema that is worsening or has not improved as expected, consider sending a skin swab for microbiological testing.

For people with secondary bacterial infection of eczema that recurs frequently:

  • send a skin swab for microbiological testing and
  • consider taking a nasal swab and starting treatment for decolonisation.

If a skin swab has been sent for microbiological testing:

  • review the choice of antibiotic when results are available and
  • change the antibiotic according to results if symptoms are not improving, using a narrow-spectrum antibiotic is possible.

Refer people with secondary bacterial infection of eczema to hospital if they have any symptoms or signs suggesting a more serious illness or condition, such as rigors, diarrhoea and vomiting, spreading erythema (sunburn rash), conjunctival redness (streptococcus or staphylococcus toxic shock), necrotising fasciitis (agonising pain out of proportion to what can be seen) or sepsis.

Consider referral or seeking specialist advice for people with secondary bacterial infection of eczema if they:

  • have spreading infection that is not responding to oral antibiotics
  • are systemically unwell
  • are at high risk of complications
  • have infections that recur frequently.

Consult local microbiologist if MRSA suspected or confirmed.

Please see local referral guideline if severe and recurrent eczema:

Discuss with a Microbiologist if exposure to river or sea-water.

Inflammation about leg ulcers is often mistaken for cellulitis. There is no evidence that swabbing leg ulcers routinely or treating them with antibiotics is useful unless there is genuine ascending cellulitis.

Bilateral cellulitis is rare and may require a re-evaluation of diagnosis. A low CRP may suggest a non-infectious aetiology in difficult cases.

Swabbing of any broken skin, or between toes for foot cellulitis, may be helpful if done prior to starting antibiotics.

A nose swab should be collected to look for MRSA carriage if the patient has been in hospital recently.

The formulary gives dose and duration of treatment for adults unless stated otherwise.

In mild to moderate cellulitis
  • 500-1000mg every 6 hours for 7 days
Penicillin allergy
  • 500mg every 12 hours for 7 days
If patient currently taking statins
  • 300-450mg every 6 hours for 7 days

If severe and/or failure with suitable oral antibiotics consider outpatient IV antibiotics. Eligible patients are those who are haemodynamically stable and with no unstable co-morbidities.

Plymouth: Liaise with Acute GP service

Torbay: Liaise with Ambulatory Care or discuss with on call Microbiologist

In facial cellulitis

If the cellulitis is clearly not associated with mucosal structures such as the facial sinuses or teeth then treat as standard cellulitis, see above. If mucosal facial structures are involved use co-amoxiclav.

Have a low threshold for referral in the event of signs and symptoms suggesting orbital involvement, for example

  • Blurring / reduced visual acuity or colour perception
  • Ophthalmoplegia (restricted eye movements, double vision)
  • Proptosis
  • Pupillary dysfunction (relative afferent pupil defect)
  • Sclera changes
  • 625mg every 8 hours for 7-14 days

Ulcers are always colonised.

Culture swabs and antibiotics are only indicated if cellulitis is present. Treat with cellulitis regimen (see above).

Antibiotics should only be used in active infection (increased pain, pyrexia, erythema beyond 2cm, localised heat). If antibiotics given, review with culture results.

Invasive Group A Streptococcal infections have increased in incidence and need to be assessed rapidly in hospital. Maintain a high index of suspicion in patients with a high fever, severe muscle aches, confusion, unexplained D&V, local muscle tenderness, or severe pain out of proportion to external signs, hypotension, a flat red rash over large area of the body, conjunctival suffusion.

The information below is based on NICE NG184 Human and animal bites: antimicrobial prescribing.

For people with a human or animal bite:

  • assess the type and severity of the bite, including what animal caused the bite, the site and depth of the wound, and whether it is infected
  • assess the risk of tetanus, rabies, or a bloodborne viral infection and take appropriate action
  • manage the wound with irrigation and debridement as necessary
  • be aware of potential safeguarding issues in vulnerable adults and children.

Seek specialist advice for bites from a wild, exotic, or domestic animal (including farm animals) you are unfamiliar with.

Take a swab for microbiological testing to guide treatment if there is discharge (purulent or non-purulent) from the bite wound.

Treatment and prophylaxis

Offer an antibiotic if there are signs and symptoms of infection, such as increased pain, inflammation, fever, discharge, or an unpleasant smell.

If patient presents > 72 hours after the bite, assess for signs and symptoms of infection and offer antibiotic treatment if present. If there are no signs or symptoms of infection present, do not offer antibiotic prophylaxis for late presentation.

If the patient is pregnant, seek specialist advice.

Human bites

Do not offer antibiotic prophylaxis to people with a bite that has not broken the skin.

Do offer antibiotic prophylaxis to people with a bite that has broken the skin and drawn blood.

Consider antibiotic prophylaxis for people with a bite that has broken the skin but not drawn blood if it:

  • involves a high-risk area such as the hands, feet, face, genitals, skin overlying cartilaginous structures, or an area of poor circulation or
  • is in a person at risk of a serious wound infection because of a comorbidity (such as diabetes, immunosuppression, asplenia, or decompensated liver disease).
Cat bites

Do not offer antibiotic prophylaxis to people with a bite that has not broken the skin.

Do offer antibiotic prophylaxis to people with a bite that has broken the skin and drawn blood.

Consider antibiotic prophylaxis for people with a bite that has broken the skin but not drawn blood if:

  • the wound could be deep or
  • involves a high-risk area such as the hands, feet, face, genitals, skin overlying cartilaginous structures, or an area of poor circulation or
  • is in a person at risk of a serious wound infection because of a comorbidity (such as diabetes, immunosuppression, asplenia, or decompensated liver disease).
Bites from a dog or other traditional pet (excluding cat bites)

Do not offer antibiotic prophylaxis to people with a bite that has not broken the skin or has broken the skin but not drawn blood.

Do offer antibiotic prophylaxis to people with a bite that has broken the skin and drawn blood if it:

  • has penetrated bone, joint, tendon, or vascular structures or
  • is deep, is a puncture or crush wound, or has caused significant tissue damage or
  • is visibly contaminated (for example, if there is dirt or a tooth in the wound).

Consider antibiotic prophylaxis for people with a bite that has broken the skin and drawn blood if it:

  • involves a high-risk area such as the hands, feet, face, genitals, skin overlying cartilaginous structures, or an area of poor circulation or
  • is in a person at risk of a serious wound infection because of a comorbidity (such as diabetes, immunosuppression, asplenia, or decompensated liver disease).

Antibiotics for prophylaxis and treatment

Treatment duration:

  • Prophylaxis = 3-day course
  • Treatment = 5-day course

Reassess the bite if:

  • symptoms or signs of infection develop or worsen rapidly or significantly at any time, or do not start to improve within 24 to 48 hours of starting treatment or
  • the person becomes systemically unwell or
  • the person has severe pain that is out of proportion to the infection.

If a swab has been sent to microbiological testing:

  • review the choice of antibiotic(s) when results are available and
  • change the antibiotic(s) according to the results as appropriate.
  • Adults and children over 12 years of age:
    • 500mg/125mg three times a day
  • Children 1 month to 11 years of age (doses given three times a day):
    • 1 month to 11 months: 0.25ml/kg (125mg/31mg/5ml suspension)
    • 1 year to 5 years: 0.25ml/kg or 5ml (125mg/31mg/5ml suspension)
    • 6 years to 11 years: 0.15ml/kg or 5ml (250mg/62mg/5ml suspension)
  • See section 5.1.1 Penicillins
Penicillin allergy (aged 12 years and above)
  • 100mg twice a day


  • 400mg three times a day

See sections 5.1.3 Tetracyclines and 5.1.11 Nitroimidazole derivatives

Penicillin allergy (aged under 12 years)
Co-trimoxazole (off-label)
  • Children 6 weeks to 11 years of age (doses given twice a day):
    • 6 weeks to 5 months: 120mg or 24mg/kg
    • 6 months to 5 years: 240mg or 24mg/kg
    • 6 years to 11 years: 480mg or 24mg/kg
  • See section 5.1.8 Sulfonamides and trimethoprim

Seek specialist advice.


Refer people to hospital if they have:

  • symptoms or signs suggesting a more serious illness or condition (these include severe cellulitis, abscess, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, necrotising fasciitis or sepsis) or
  • a penetrating wound involving arteries, joints, nerves, muscles, tendons, bones or the central nervous system.

Consider referral or seek specialist advice if:

  • the bite(s) is from a wild, exotic, or domestic animal (including farm animals) you are unfamiliar with or
  • they are systemically unwell or
  • they have developed symptoms or signs of infection after taking prophylactic antibiotics or
  • they have lymphangitis (may represent infection caused by Pasteurella species – avoid empirical treatment with flucloxacillin or erythromycin) or
  • they are at risk of a serious wound infection because of a pre-existing medical condition or
  • they cannot take oral antibiotics (in which case, explore with the specialist whether locally available options for parenteral antibiotics at home or in the community, rather than in hospital, are appropriate) or
  • the bite is infected and is not responding to oral antibiotics or
  • the bite is in an area of poor circulation.

The following recommendations are largely based on guidance from NICE CKS (updated May 2024) and the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD, October 2023).

Scabies is an intensely itchy skin infestation, which is characteristically worse at night, caused by the human parasite Sarcoptes scabiei, a mite that burrows into the epidermis and tunnels through the stratum corneum. The life cycle lasts for 4–6 weeks. The female lays about 25 eggs, then dies. The eggs develop into adults in 10–15 days.

The trunk and limbs are the predominant sites that are affected. The face and scalp are rarely involved other than in infants and bed-bound elderly patients.

Classical scabies (typical scabies) involves infestation with a low number of mites (about 5–15 per host).

Crusted scabies is a hyper-infestation with thousands or millions of mites present in exfoliating scales of skin. It develops as a result of an insufficient immune response by the host.

Additional information for patients is available from MyHealth Devon.


People with scabies should be informed about its transmission through skin-to-skin contact, particularly between sexual partners and people living in the same household, and secondarily by fomite transmission.

It could also include any other skin contacts such as members of sports teams and individuals who do not live in an affected household but provide care, e.g. visiting family members, child minders, and adult day care providers. Not all individuals with scabies have itch and rash. Asymptomatic people will re-infest their contacts if they are not treated concurrently.

Classical scabies is transmitted through close/prolonged skin contact with an infected person. The mites can live away from a host for an average of 24–36 hours.

Crusted scabies is highly contagious, and, in addition to transmission by direct contact, is easily transmissible via bedding, towels, clothes, and upholstery due to the large numbers of mites on an infested person. The mites can survive away from the host for up to 7 days. In the event of cases or outbreaks of crusted scabies, a higher index of suspicion of transmission via more transient contacts may be warranted.

Hygiene measures to reduce transmission

The risk of transmission can be reduced by limiting the number of sexual partners and observing strict personal hygiene when living in crowded spaces (e.g. no sharing of underwear clothing, bedding and towels and avoidance of skin-to-skin contact). Transmission is not prevented by condom use.

All clothes, soft slippers, towels and bed linen of the affected case should be decontaminated by washing at a high temperature (at least 60°C) on the day of application of the first treatment. If clothes cannot be washed at high temperature, they can be sealed in plastic bags for 4 days at room temperature, after which mites are unlikely to survive.

Alternative methods include pressing clothes with a warm iron, dry cleaning and putting items into a hot cycle in the dryer for 10 to 30 minutes.


People with scabies should be offered screening for other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

All members of their household, their sexual partners within the past month, and any other close personal contacts (even if asymptomatic) should also be treated at the same time as the index case.

For people with profuse and crusting scabies seek specialist advice. Admission to hospital may be required. People with crusted scabies should be isolated and barrier nursing procedures instituted. It may be necessary to investigate for underlying immunodeficiency.

Classical scabies

First line treatment is with a topical scabicide (unless contraindicated or not suitable):

Permethrin 5% cream

  • Adults and children over 2 months: Apply once weekly for 2 doses, apply cream over whole body including face, neck, scalp, and ears then wash off after 8–12 hours. Repeat after 7 days.
    • If hands are washed with soap within 8 hours of application, they should be retreated.


Malathion 0.5% cutaneous aqueous liquid

  • Adults and children aged over 6 months: Apply once weekly for 2 doses, apply preparation over whole body, and wash off after 24 hours. Repeat after 7 days.
    • If hands are washed with soap within 24 hours of application, they should be retreated.

See section: 13.10.4 Parasiticidal preparations.

If topical therapy is contraindicated or not suitable, use oral ivermectin first line:

Ivermectin 3mg tablets

  • Adults and children weighing at least 15kg: One dose (200micrograms/kg body weight) on day one; repeat the dose once after 7 days to kill recently hatched mites.
  • Not for use in children under 15kg.
  • No food should be taken within two hours before or after administration.
  • See section: 13.10.4 Parasiticidal preparations.

Follow up

Itching may continue for up to 4 weeks after successful treatment of scabies. People should seek medical advice if itching persists for longer than 2-4 weeks after the last treatment application.

Post-scabietic itch

For post-scabietic itch, consider crotamiton 10% cream or, if the scabies mites have definitely been eradicated, topical hydrocortisone 1% (cream or ointment).

Night-time use of a sedating antihistamine (such as chlorphenamine) may help with sleep and reduce scratching.

See sections: 13.3 Antipruritics, 13.4 Topical corticosteroids, and 3.4.1 Antihistamines.

Treatment failure

Appearance of new burrows and/or evidence of visible mites at any stage beyond 7 days after completion of anti-scabies treatment (including repeat course) is indicative of need for further treatment.

If topical therapy has failed, consider retreatment with a further course of topical therapy, or one course of ivermectin (one dose [200micrograms/kg body weight] on day one, repeat the dose once after 7 days) (see above).

If one course (two doses) of oral ivermectin has failed, refer to specialist.

Closed setting outbreaks

These are defined as any setting where a number of people are living with close contact inside the setting (shared bathroom or communal areas) and often more limited contact with the wider community and includes the staff working within the setting.

Examples (not exhaustive) of closed settings include:

  • care homes
  • prisons
  • long-term hotel or hostel accommodation
  • homeless hostels.

Before initiating treatment of single cases, all residents and staff should be checked for symptoms and signs of scabies. Assessing clinicians should be aware of the potential for asymptomatic infection, particularly in the elderly.

Oral ivermectin is a recognised treatment for scabies within closed settings, when there are logistical considerations in the successful delivery of topical therapy, or in the context of immunosuppression or crusted scabies.

For further information on the management of scabies cases in closed settings, please refer to the UKHSA guidance, here.


Refer patients to a specialist if one course (2 doses) of oral ivermectin have failed or there is diagnostic uncertainty.

For people with persistent nodular scabies, refer to a dermatologist. Treatment with high-potency topical steroids, intralesional steroids, oral steroids, or oral ivermectin may be required.

Skin: Localised infection

The use of OTC dusting powders can be recommended to help prevent re-infection of athlete's foot.

NHS England (NHSE) has published new prescribing guidance for various common conditions for which over-the-counter (OTC) items should not be routinely prescribed in primary care (quick reference guide). These conditions include ringworm and athlete's foot.

Many of these products are cheap to buy and are readily available OTC along with advice from pharmacies. Some self-care medicines are available from shops and supermarkets. Please click here for further information, exceptions, and a patient leaflet.

Oral therapy is indicated in scalp infection, discuss with specialist.

Terbinafine is fungicidal and the treatment time is shorter than with fungistatic imidazoles.

Terbinafine 1%
  • Topical: apply every 12 hours for 1-2 weeks after healing (i.e. 4-6 weeks)
Miconazole 2%
  • Topical: apply every 12 hours for 1-2 weeks after healing (i.e. 4-6 weeks)

Skin: Extensive infection or failure to respond to topical anti-fungal

Take skin scrapings for culture for intractable infections, and if infection confirmed consider oral terbinafine/ itraconazole.

  • 250mg daily for 4 weeks
  • Tinea corporis / tinea cruis
    • 100mg once daily for 15 days, or
    • 200mg once daily for 7 days
  • Tinea pedis / tinea manuum
    • 100mg once daily for 30 days

Proximal fingernail or toenail (adults)

Take nail clippings and only start therapy if infection is confirmed by laboratory.

Oral terbinafine is more effective than oral azoles (fungicidal agent). Idiosyncratic liver reactions occur rarely with terbinafine.

  • 250mg daily
  • Treat fingernails for 6 to 12 weeks
  • Treat toenails for 3-6 months

Pulsed itraconazole monthly is recommended for infections with candida and non-dermatophyte moulds.

  • 200mg twice daily for 7 consecutive days repeated at 21 day intervals
  • Treat fingernails with 2 courses
  • Treat toenails for 3 courses

Warnings on itraconazole use

  1. Itraconazole has a negative inotropic effect:
    1. It should not be used in patients with heart failure or at risk of it
    1. It should not be used with other negatively inotropic drugs such as calcium channel blockers
  2. Itraconazole has a range of clinically important drug interactions such as statins, anti-epileptics, anti-arrhythmics, antihistamines, calcium channel blockers, HIV drugs. This list is not exhaustive and the BNF or other texts should be consulted
  3. Absorption of itraconazole is pH dependent. It is reduced by antacids and PPIs. Avoid antacids for 2 hours. If on a PPI, take itraconazole with an acidic drink
  4. Do not use itraconazole if there is a past history of hepatic disease

Varicella zoster/chicken pox and herpes zoster/shingles

Pregnant/ immunocompromised/ neonate exposed to chicken pox or shingles: seek urgent specialist advice.

Chicken pox, consider aciclovir:

  • If onset of rash less than 24 hours & over 14 years of age or
  • Severe pain or
  • Dense/oral rash or
  • Secondary household case or
  • Taking steroids or
  • A smoker

Shingles, treat if over 50 years of age and:

  • Within 72 hours of rash (post herpatic neuralgia is rare if under 50 years of age) or
  • Active ophthalmic or
  • Ramsey Hunt syndrome or
  • Eczema
If indicated:
Aciclovir tablets
  • 800mg 5 times a day for 7 days

2nd line for shingles only if compliance a problem (less cost effective)

Valaciclovir tablets
  • 1000mg every 8 hours for 7 days.
  • Children: See BNFC for dose

NHS England (NHSE) has published new prescribing guidance for various common conditions for which over the counter (OTC) items should not be routinely prescribed in primary care (quick reference guide). One of these conditions is infrequent cold sores of the lip.

A number of products containing antivirals are cheap to buy and are readily available OTC along with advice from pharmacies. Some self-care medicines are available from shops and supermarkets. Please click here for further information, exceptions, and a patient leaflet.

Cold sores resolve after 7–10 days without treatment.

Topical antivirals applied prodromally reduce duration by 12-24 hours

Thorough irrigation is recommended. Drinkable tap water, boiled and cooled water, and normal saline are all comparable wound cleansing agents. Assess risk of tetanus.

Antibiotic therapy is usually not indicated unless:

  • Crushed and deep punctures
  • Wounds to the hands, face or genitals
  • Immunocompromised
  • Cirrhotic, asplenic, or hyposplenic

In these cases prompt irrigation and co-amoxiclav 625mg every 8 hours for 5 days.

If symptoms and signs of infection develop after closure of the laceration:

  • If previously contaminated - co-amoxiclav 625mg every 8 hours for 5 days
  • If not previously contaminated – flucloxacillin 500mg every 6 hours for 7 days

Please refer to: Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) guidance

An MHRA patient information leaflet is available on the Public Health England (HPA) website