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Only refer if 3 consecutive miscarriages with the same biological partner.
Recurrent miscarriage may be primary with no previous live births or secondary following birth. However referral will only be accepted if 3 consecutive miscarriages with same biological father.
Patient support and information includes:
The following tests need to be completed before referral to the recurrent miscarriage service:
Both Lupus Anticoagulant and Anticardiolipin antibodies need to be processed within 3 hours and must therefore be rung through to the Lab in advance - contact 01752 433244 (or 433245) to book the test.
However, because of this, GP's may find it easier to easier to fill out a request form and ask the patient to go to Derriford to get one of their phlebotomists to take the blood, along with the other blood tests required:
Ultrasound of pelvis is no longer required as patient will already have had a pelvic ultrasound at the assessment of their miscarriage.
GPs should explain to patients that these are specialised tests and advise that the consultant will explain the test results at their consultation,
Any referrals for recurrent miscarriage which have not had the above investigations should be returned to the referring clinician with advice of what needs to be included in the referral letter.
For referral to Gynaecology, refer via DRSS using the e-Referral Service:
e-Referral Service Selection
e-Referral Service Selection
This guideline has been signed off on behalf of NHS Devon.
Publication date: May 2015
Updated: May 2022