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Adults with cataracts.
Cataract surgery is subject to an NHS Devon commissioning policy
See DVLA guide to the medical conditions and fitness to drive
Please note pre-referral criteria are applicable in this referral.
Cataract is an opacity of the lens of the eye causing visual impairment.
Visual acuity
LogMAR | Snellen Equivalent |
1.0 | 6/60 |
0.9 | 6/48 |
0.8 | 6/38 |
0.7 | 6/30 |
0.6 | 6/24 |
0.5 | 6/19 |
0.4 | 6/15 |
0.3 | 6/12 |
0.2 | 6/9.5 |
0.1 | 6/7.5 |
0.0 | 6/6 |
-0.1 | 6/5 |
Symptoms can often be helped by updating glasses/contact lens prescription
Control unwanted glare
Surgery may be appropriate when patients fulfil commissioning policy criteria
Before a referral is made the referrer must confirm that:
Cataract surgery is only routinely commissioned in the following circumstances:
There is sufficient cataract in the eye proposed for surgery to account for the patient’s visual symptoms AND one or more of the following criteria apply:
NB As a cataract becomes denser it changes the refraction of the eye, making it more myopic. Most cataracts cause some myopic progression and the speed of which this occurs determines whether it is rapid or not. A shift of more than -0.75 dioptres within a 6-month period is the measurement of rapid progression.
Cataract surgery is also routinely commissioned under the following circumstances:
See DVLA guide to the medical standards for fitness to drive
Referrals submitted that do not met the policy criteria will be returned.
e-Referral Service selection:
Specialty: Ophthalmology
Clinic Type: Cataract
Service: DRSS-Western-Ophthalmology--Optom Only-Cataract/Laser/Glaucoma Devon ICB-15N
MyHealth patient information - Cataracts
Making a decision about Cataracts
This guideline has been signed off on behalf of NHS Devon
Publication date: 19 October 2015
Updated: November 2024