
Dry Eyes Pathway


Dry eyes are a very common symptom of patients and may be secondary to poor tear quality or blepharitis and treatment if often required to tackle both conditions simultaneously. Dry eye syndrome is more common in the over 65’s, women, those with connective tissue disease and contact lens wearers.

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Signs and Symptoms

  • Dry, ‘tired eye’ or gritty sensation which gets worse throughout the day
  • Mild photophobia
  • Often bilateral
  • Transient blurred vision, improves on blinking
  • Mild, diffuse redness of conjunctiva
  • Spotty punctate corneal staining with fluorescein
  • Blepharitis - crusting of lashes, erythematous lid margins

For the management of dry eye conditions please see treatment of dry eye

Many products for mild-moderate symptoms can be purchased over the counter at a cost less than the prescription charge.

Dry eye can be treated with lubricants (Tear deficiency, ocular lubricants, and astringents)

Referral Criteria

Urgent referral
  • Dry eye associated with any continuous corneal exposure E.g.; Bells palsy, Thyroid eye disease
Routine referral
  • Still severely symptomatic despite 2 hourly, preservative free drops for 2 weeks
  • Systemic disease (autoimmune or connective tissue disease) with uncontrolled symptoms

Referral Instructions

e-Referral Service Selection:

Specialty: Ophthalmology

Clinic Type: Not Otherwise Specified

Service: DRSS-Western-Ophthalmology--Optom Only-(PCT)-Devon ICB-15N

Referral Forms

DRSS referral form

Pathway Group

This guideline has been signed off by NHS Devon

Publication date: May 2022