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This guideline covers the assessment, counselling and procedural considerations for male sterilisation options in the western locality.
Please note East Cornwall patients are covered by the NHS Kernow male sterilisation commissioning policy.
The following criteria are essential when assessing suitability for sterilisation:
Patients with the following criteria may not be suitable for sterilisation:
Increased likelihood of regret:
If patient is unsuitable for a Vasectomy
All patients will be offered referral to a primary care service for a vasectomy under local anaesthetic (LA). There are some patients who may require general anaesthetic (GA); often these patients will be assessed in primary care first.
Please include in referral letter:
e-Referral service selection
Sentinel provides a vasectomy service for the Western locality from a number of community settings
This guideline has been signed off on behalf of NHS Devon.
Publication date: February 2016