
Weight Management - GP communication

Devon ICB is presently undertaking a commissioning review of the weight management pathway to ensure that local services meet the growing needs of the Devon population.

As part of this review several documents are being made available to Primary Care as follows:

Clinical Referral Guidelines to Weight Management Services

Guidelines to support with, and improve, the referral process to all weight management services, including referral forms for local services. Auto populating referral forms will be available on EMIS and S1 in the New Year.

Weight Management Pathway Algorithm

A one-page visual summary of the support services available according to BMI.

Tier 3 Specialist Weight Management Service Position Statement

Information relating to the current services and prescribing.

There is also a patient equivalent of this document.

MyHealth Devon

The patient facing information website now has new and updated information relating to Weight Management.

Tirzepatide FAQs

Information relating to the imminent roll out of Tirzepatide for Obesity.