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Plymouth's Community Learning Disabilities Team (CLDT) provides specialist assessments and interventions to people whose lives and needs are complex as a result of their learning disabilities.
We provide support to families, carers and provider organisations to improve the quality of their service delivery and ability to meet the needs of those they support
Before making a referral to the CLDT, referrers must ask themselves the following:
If I did not think that this person had learning disabilities, where would I direct the referral? Where appropriate, people with learning disabilities should be directed to the relevant mainstream service in accordance with their presenting need.
The CLDT can support and facilitate mainstream services to make reasonable adjustments so that people with learning disabilities can have fair and equal access to services.
People whose functioning is impaired as a result of a:
People with an autism spectrum disorder, please refer to Plymouth Autism Spectrum Service – Assessment Team (PASS-AT) - South & West
People with learning disabilities whose primary presenting issue is mild to moderate depression or anxiety that meets criteria for Plymouth Options. Plymouth Options can consult with us as required to enable them to work with people with mild learning disabilities.
People who do not identify as having learning disabilities often prefer not to engage with a Community Learning Disabilities Team. We recommend that referrers discuss this with people prior to contacting us.
People with primary social care needs (e.g. housing, help with employment or benefits, support with daily living skills)
People whose predominant need is related to their physical health, including all referrals for physiotherapy, adaptations and equipment. If a person has an identified need for these services, unrelated to their learning disabilities, he or she should be referred to the relevant generic physiotherapy or occupational therapy team. Community Therapies Team (Health) or Adult Social Care.
People with GPs outside of the Plymouth locality.
National guidance from the British Psychological Society recommends that women in late pregnancy, or who have just given birth should not be offered an assessment of their intellectual disabilities. Please do not refer women for assessment of their learning disabilities if they are in their last trimester of pregnancy or in the first three months of having their baby.
If the referrer wishes to access the CLDT, they should consider the following:
1) Does this person have significant and global learning disabilities? This is defined as:
All three must be present if the person is to be identified as having learning disabilities. Referrers can use the decision aid tree to i) aid their decision about whether to refer to CLDT, ii) gather information to include on the referral:
2) Does this person require specialist learning disabilities health services?
Primary Care health services can support people with learning disabilities to access their services by:
Please follow the guidance above to help you decide whether or not to refer.
Please include information gathered using the
decision aid tree as advised in the 'assessment' section above.
Livewell Southwest - Community Learning Disabilities Team referral form
For referral to Community Learning Disabilities Team
Forms can be sent to:
Community Learning Disabilities Team
Scott Business Park
Beacon Park Rd
Plymouth, PL2 2PQ
Tel: 0845 155 8077
Referrals can be sent via email to our Referral Co-ordinator:
Livewell Southwest - Community Learning Disabilities Team referral form
Livewell Southwest - Community Learning Disabilities Team
Livewell Southwest - Community Learning Disabilities Team - Occupational Therapy
British Institute of learning disabilities
NHS Choices - What is a learning disability?
GPs and patients can refer to Improving Lives Plymouth for patient support with any long-term physical or low level mental health condition. The service helps people to better manage their condition and to achieve a better quality of life.
'Valuing People Now' (Department of Health, 2009)
'Healthcare for All' (Department of Health, 2008)
Mansell Report' (Department of Health, 2007)
This guideline has been signed off by the Psychological Therapies Strategic and Implementation Group on behalf of NHS Devon.
Publication date: May 2016
Updated: February 2025