
Icebreak Service

The Icebreak service, part of The Zone, works with young people 16-22 years who are experiencing personality disorder related symptoms which are impacting negatively upon their daily life and mental/emotional well-being. The service offers a holistic approach to working with young people utilising a psycho-social model of care through a range of interventions.


This is a non-urgent service for those who do not require secondary care based intervention.

Core service eligibility includes: (Please see 'Referral criteria' section below for more details)

  1. Aged 16-22 years and eligible for a GP in Plymouth at point of referral
  2. Individuals who have consented to a referral
  3. Individuals who have been experiencing emotional distress and /or behavioural difficulties for at least a year, and/or that these difficulties have been present since early adolescence or prior
  4. Individuals who have not received more than 6 months sustained engagement with a care co-ordinator in the community (not including CAMHS of any length )

Out of Scope

  • Individuals with problems of duration less than a year (e.g. intermittent problems or reaction to a recent crisis)
  • Individuals referred to gain support for a current isolated crisis
  • Individuals with urgent mental health needs
  • Individuals with a substantive history of specialist mental health services input (more than 6 months in last 2 years, or more than 2 years in last 5 years. (This excludes involvement with CAMHS)
  • Individuals presenting with evidence of significant current violence/aggression to others who are not willing to engage with appropriate services to manage this
  • Individuals with current chaotic substance misuse (where addressing this is the primary need), and who are not willing to engage with substance misuse services
  • Individuals presenting with psychosis (refer to the Insight team)
  • Individuals requiring psychological intervention relating to anxiety or depression refer to IAPT
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Signs and Symptoms

Presentations aligned with the development of personality disorder difficulties.

Clients commonly present with:

  • Experiences of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional) and / or trauma
  • Difficulties developing and maintaining relationships
  • Significant ongoing levels of emotional distress
  • Tendency towards suicidal thinking / self harm or other maladaptive coping strategies
  • Difficulties with drug and alcohol use

History and Examination

  • Individuals who have previously had 2 years intervention from the Icebreak team are no longer considered appropriate for our early intervention work

Differential Diagnoses

  • Individuals do not have to have a Personality Disorder diagnosis to be eligible for a service

  • Referral to Community Mental Health Teams should be made for those whose self-harming behaviours may result in serious disability or death
  • We are not a crisis intervention service

Main forms of intervention include:

  • One to one work with a Care Co-ordinator exploring emotional well-being and coping strategies utilising techniques from a range of modalities e.g. solution-focused therapy, DBT, CBT, family work
  • Additional therapies on offer: DBT, Family Therapy, Art Therapy
  • Group sessions e.g. art work, social inclusion etc.
  • Support with practical issues e.g. welfare rights, housing and access to education / employment etc.

Referral Criteria

  • Referrals that are accepted by the team usually contain a combination of the factors below which young people will have been experiencing for more than six months

A Minimum of one from this group required

  • Severe and persistent thoughts of self hatred, hopelessness, emptiness, paranoia
  • Rapid mood and temper swings


  • Previous involvement with Police / CJS for significant and repeated violence / aggression towards others
  • Poor support networks
  • Housing instability

C Minimum of one from this group required

  • Repeated self harm and/or suicide attempts
  • Difficulties forming / maintaining relationships
  • Problematic substance abuse impacting upon day to day living
  • Risk taking behaviour

D Minimum of one from this group required

  • Significant adverse life events
    • History of abuse
    • Family breakdown
    • School exclusion
    • Previously or currently in Local Authority care

Referral Instructions

For referral to Icebreak

  • Through e-Referral service selection via DRSS
    • Specialty: Mental Health
    • Clinic type: Not otherwise specified
    • Service: DRSS-Western-Mental Health-Adult- Devon ICB-15N

Self-referral at The Zone, Mon-Fri – 10am-4pm

  • Please follow the link to the referral form download, complete and return by post to:
    • The Zone
      14-16 Union Street
      Derry's Cross
      PL1 2SR

GP Information

Guidance/Diagnosis and treatment:

NICE guidelines 78 on Personality Disorder

NICE Guidelines - Conduct disorder in Young People

Emergence self help and help for professionals/carers:

Emergence personality disorder website

thezoneplymouth website

Patient Information

thezoneplymouth website

Emergence self help and help for professionals/carers:

Emergence personality disorder website

MIND information on Personality Disorder

NHS Self Help leaflets

Rethink - resources

Long-term Condition Self-Management Programme

GPs and patients can refer to Improving Lives Plymouth for patient support with any long-term physical or low level mental health condition. The service helps people to better manage their condition and to achieve a better quality of life.


  • NICE guidelines PD, BPD, Young People emotional dysregulation

Pathway Group

This guideline has been signed off by the Western Locality Psychological Therapies Strategic & Implementation Group on behalf of NHS Devon.

Publication date: December 2015
Updated: October 2018